Books are magical things. They capture glimpses of life, dreams, and experiences. There is so much adventure to be had, knowledge to be gained, and inspiration to be acquired when reading a story. I hope that you will find some taste of that here in my books, publication, and social media. Thank you for visiting!

~Amanda Clark

Eternal: A look at the structure of an eternal family after divorce

This book is near and dear to my heart. When I first wrote this book it was just for my children. We would go to church and sing songs about eternal families being together forever and the children would ask if we would still be together forever since our family was divorced. It broke my heart. I didn’t have a clear understanding of it myself. So I went on a mission to find out. With the help of church leaders and temple trips I gained a beautiful, life changing understanding and testimony of what an eternal family looks like after divorce. As I met more people who were going through the same thing, facing the same uncertainty and questions that I did, I realized that I needed to share this book. My hope is that this book will help other divorced families find peace and hope in their journey. You are still part of an eternal family!

This book is written in a sketchbook format, with each page of text paired with a blank page. This allows you to personalize the book with your own drawings or photographs.

*This book is specifically written for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

You can purchase a copy from Amazon.

Forever: A look at the structure of a forever family after divorce.

When people get married and have children they often say that they will be together forever. But what happens when a forever family goes through a divorce? My hope is that this beautiful book will encourage children in forever families of all backgrounds to know that they are still joined to every family member, even after divorce.

This book is written in a sketchbook format, with each page of text paired with a blank page. This allows you to personalize the book with your own drawings or photographs.

You can purchase your copy from Amazon.